By Ray Starmann
Our national security is currently predicated on a fantasy; the pipe dream of gender equality, the fantasy of the female warrior meeting our enemies on the field of battle and defeating them in combat.
It is a Potemkin Village that will implode like a house of cards the moment the first shot is fired in anger.
The lunatic idea of female warriors is promulgated by Hollywood. For 25 years, we have been force fed endless TV series with the female cop who looks like a model, and with a gun and badge the size of her waist. In a dark pants suit, she’s able to dispatch bad guys with the aplomb of Chuck Norris on an all night commando raid. Tinseltown bombards us with female Navy SEALs, female Viking warriors wielding swords the average woman couldn’t even swing, female super spies beating up four or five Russian heavies in a single blow.
But, that’s just fantasy.
And, so is our national security policy.
Women are now everywhere in the US military; on ships, flying jets, in the combat arms, in special forces. Standards have been lowered so much to accommodate females that your dead great grandma could be an Army Ranger now.
The whole US military infrastructure has been altered to accommodate females with things like lactation stations at military bases and breast pumping directives for females going on field exercises. Tucker Carlson was scorched by the cultural Marxists when he asked why the military had developed a combat maternity flight suit.
Why are we sending pregnant women into combat?
Why are we sending any women into combat?
It seems that every day, every week, every month is some asinine celebration of Female Warriors in the US military.
Ridiculous praise is heaped upon random women and their apparent integral roles in US history. “In 1776, Juanita Chamchuka, an Eskimo-American housekeeper and lesbian handed General Washington a cup of tea after the Battle of Trenton. This clearly shows the incredible contribution of Eskimo lesbians to American history."
Oh, praise diversity!
How did this happen? It’s quite simple: the Vietnam vets who rebuilt the military left the service shortly after the end of the Gulf War in 1991. The great draft dodger was elected and began to implement policies in 1993 which allowed females to serve in support units that would expose them to danger. Sometime in the late 90’s the snowball really started rolling downhill. Women were given permission to fly combat aircraft in the US Navy and Air Force. By 2015, Ash Carter, under orders from Barry Soetero, authorized women to serve in the combat arms of the US military, aka, the guys who close with and kill the enemy.
Of course none of this could have happened without the completely gutless leadership of numerous perfumed princes and feather merchants with stars in the Pentagon. Anyone who disagreed with this lunacy was shown the door.
To illustrate how great our new coed army really was, during the Iraq War, feminists and cowards in the Beltway concocted a story that PFC Jessica Lynch, fought it out with the tangos like John Wayne at the Alamo, before she was captured by the enemy. After being rescued in some Ridley Scott type of show biz operation, she was decorated with the Bronze Star. Later it was revealed her weapon jammed, no doubt because it was dirty and she never fired a shot. She was cold cocked when her truck ran off the road during an ambush.
Defenders of the gender neutral military will give you examples of Soviet women in the Red Army. Women primarily served in medical and support roles with a handful as snipers. The Israelis had so many problems with women in the Six Day War that they decided to assign female soldiers as instructors. There are women in border security units in the IDF, but they are not in the combat arms.
No one seems to want to answer the most important question: how does having one women in any combat environment increase a unit’s operational tempo?
War is about inflicting violence faster than the enemy. The in depth USMC study eight years ago showed in immense detail that all male Marine units clearly outperformed coed and all female Marine units in numerous simulated combat tasks and situations.
The study was thrown out the window by cultural Maoist and the worst Sec Navy in US history, Ray Mabus.
The perfumed princes wonder why no young guys are signing up for the military anymore. It’s pretty simple. It’s a girls club now. It’s an environment that’s just not fun. Gone are the drinking, whoring skirt chasing rowdy days when your leaders didn’t really care what you did in your free time as long as you could put cold steel down range and you were at your place of duty the next day. The military in 2024 resembles some locked up corporation run by waddling mommies. It’s a country day school ensemble.
It's a joke.
We’re headed for a disaster. It’s pretty obvious. Then the American public, many but not all, whose idea of patriotic service and devotion to duty is standing at attention with a bucket of KFC as the national anthem plays will scratch their heads and wonder just what in the heck went wrong.
By the way, if you’re not doing anything on April 24th, feel free to attend the US Naval Institute’s celebration of the Female Naval Warrior in history. Come one, come all to this extravaganza and celebration of fantasy.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusiveness!
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